Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Dear Dr. Bone,

With all the time, money and effort spent on finding cures and treatments for cancer, why is there not the same done to prevent? If we never got cancer in the first place, we wouldn’t have to cure it! You really don’t need to reply.


Dear Reader,

That is the million-dollar question. I hope to devote an entire column to it soon. Suffice to say that cancer is not just one disease. The causes are numerous. Each person’s body deals with cancer cells differently so each person would probably require a different prevention strategy. Lastly, there are already a lot of medical and charitable dollars spent on prevention. Open the paper and you will read about the dangers of excess alcohol consumption and cancer. Still, a large percentage of the population drinks too much. I don’t even need to discuss the risks of smoking. Yet we are not a smoke-free nation. The challenge for public health experts is to get America to adopt more healthy lifestyles that would not only decrease cancer, but heart disease, lung disease, diabetes and a host of life-threatening ailments.

Dr. Bone

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